Skilled workers and professionals - After applying

Sunday, February 28, 2010
The application assessment process

The process will vary depending on when and where you applied.

If you applied before February 27, 2008, the visa office where you applied will contact you and ask you to provide the required documentation about four months before your application is to be processed. When they have verified your completed application, they will send you a letter to tell you what you need to do and what happens next.

Your application will always be processed according to the rules in place when you applied.

If you applied on or after February 27, 2008, you will be contacted with more information on your application.

Here are some things you should be aware of:

 · Processing times
 · Medical examinations
 · The decision on your application
 · Change of address
 · Confirmation of Permanent Residence

Processing times

The length of time it takes to process applications varies depending on where you applied.

You may be able to avoid unnecessary delays by:

 · making sure that all the necessary information is included with your application

 · notifying the visa office of any changes to personal information on your application, such as your address, telephone and fax numbers or a change in the makeup of your family

 · avoiding repeated inquiries to the visa office

 · following all instructions from the visa office in a timely manner

 · ensuring that the photocopies and documents you provide are clear and legible

 · providing certified English or French translations of original documents that you submit in other languages, and

 · sending your application to the correct visa office according to your situation. See step 3 under How to Apply for more information.

Your application will be delayed if the visa office has to take extra steps to assess your case. Your application will take longer if:

 · there are criminal or security problems related to your application, or if additional security background checks are required, or

 · your family status is not clear because of a situation, such as a divorce or an adoption that is not yet complete or child custody issues that have not been resolved.

You can check the status of your application online after the visa office has started to process your application. Select the Check my application status button in the I Need to… section on the right-hand side of this page.

Medical examinations

You must pass a medical examination before coming to Canada. Your dependants must also pass a medical examination even if they are not coming to Canada with you.

Applications for permanent residence will not be accepted if an applicant’s health:

 · is a danger to public health or safety, or

 · would cause excessive demand on health or social services in Canada.

Instructions on how to take the medical examination will normally be sent to you after you submit your application to the visa office. You can find more information about medical examinations in the I Need to… section on the right-hand side of this page.

The decision on your application

A CIC officer will make a final decision on your application based on the requirements for immigration to Canada at the time your application was submitted. The decision will be based on several selection factors, as well as the results of your medical examination and the criminal and security checks.

The officer will also assess the proof of funds you have provided (unless you have arranged employment) to ensure that you will be able to support yourself and your family when you arrive in Canada.

The visa office will contact you if it needs more documentation or if you are required to attend an interview.

If your application is approved, you will be asked to submit your passport to the Canadian visa office where you applied in order to receive your permanent resident visa.

Change of address

If you move or change your address, telephone number or any other contact information after you submit your application, you must inform, in writing, the visa office where you submitted your application.

Confirmation of Permanent Residence

If your application is approved, the visa office will issue a permanent resident visa to you. Your permanent resident visa includes your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and your entry visa. Your Confirmation of Permanent Residence will include identification information, your photograph, as well as an expiry date by which you and your dependents must arrive in Canada. Please check the information on your Confirmation of Permanent Residence to make sure it is correct. It should be the same as the information on your passport. If there is a mistake on your Confirmation of Permanent Residence, contact your visa office.

You must have your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and your visa with you when you arrive in Canada.