Entrepreneurs - How to apply

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
There are two application processes for entrepreneurs who want to apply to become permanent residents:

 · the simplified application process and
 · the regular application process.

Most applicants must use the simplified process. However, you must use the regular process if:

 · you have been selected by Quebec or
 · you have been lawfully admitted to Canada for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo or
 · you have been lawfully admitted into the United States for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo.

If none of the situations described above applies to you, you must use the simplified application process.

Choose the application process that applies to you:

 · Simplified application process
 · Regular application process

Quebec has its own business immigration program. If you want to settle in the province of Quebec, contact the nearest Quebec immigration office, or visit the website of the Quebec ministry that handles immigration in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.